So let's get to ingredients and steps. It's pretty simple but it's a little messy.
Step 1: Finely chop 1/4 cup of peanuts. Yup, pretty simple.
Step 2: measure 1/2 cup of sugar (easy easy)
Step 3: 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon with the peanuts
Step 4: 1/2 cup of peanut butter together with the sugar (even a noob can do that)
Step 5: take some Pillbury cookie dough
Step 6: cut cookie dough into 12 pieces
Step 7: cut each slice in half. With each half slice, take a small amount of the peanut butter/sugar mixture and wrap it inside the cookie dough creating a ball. Once that happens, you roll the ball into the cinnamon and chopped peanuts mixture. You have something that looks like these brown ping pong balls.
Step 8: You take a glass with some nonstick grease or cooking spray and you flatten everything evenly. It should be half an inch thick. How thick is that? Beats me, so I just started flattening things.
Step 9: take the remaining peanut cinnamon mixture and sprinkle on top and lightly press it into the cookie dough.
And that's it. I ate them all so fast there are no more pictures. Let's say that if you love peanut butter cookies, you are going to love this recipe. I devoured them in about 2 days almost all by myself.
Like I said, it should be triple delight peanut butter cookie. It's peanut butter cookie dough (#1), peanut butter (#2) and finely chopped peanuts (#3). Who cares, it's awesome!!