Monday, February 18, 2008

Challenge: Cook whatever's home!

What's more fun than having friends over for dinner?

: D The answer is... not much!

So this time, we had the NGs over : )

Since i cooked for the past few times
when guests came by,
this time around,
we had goh goh cook instead : b

To make it challenging,
goh goh had to use whatever he can find
in the fridge / pantry : )

What did he come up with, then? : D

Creamy broccoli x spinach : )

Parmesan Cheese Crusted Tilapia Filets

Highlight of the meal:
Sprite marinated Pork tenderloin!

In other words,
Homemade Roast Pork aka Cha Siu : D

A miracle happened after our meal:

This almost never happened...
But obviously,
a) Goh goh did a great job estimating the portions
of food;
b) the food tasted YUMMMM : )
c) we invited some great guests!!! : D

Afterwards, we got to enjoy some beautiful
+ tasty desserts our guests so graciously brought:

Peanut Butter Chocolate Pie

Pear Pie / Clementine Pie /
Chocolate Mousse Dome Cake /
Espresso Marshmallow Chocolate cup /
Strawberry Cream Eclair

: DDDD we also had Haagen Dazs coffee ice-cream /
Friendly's Orange cream ice-cream /
Bread Pudding : )


1 comment:

djn4882 said...

i am always available to help clean out your fridge and kitchen. you guys will have some fat babies in the future from all the good food!