Friday, February 29, 2008

A Daring Marathon -- French Bread

A month ago, i joined a group called Daring Baker : )
It's a group consisting of a huge group of food-loving,
courageous, persistent, knowledgeable... people --
who join in for a baking challenge every month!

Being a novice like me, of course i gotta be a part
of this group, in order to push myself further
to sharpen my culinary skills! : D

This is my firth month... and the challenge is...


Everyone from Daring Baker (DB) pointed out
that this takes A LONG TIME...
(anywhere ranging from 7-11 hours!)
On top of that, the recipe was like 10 pages long,
with 13 steps & countless paragraphs of instructions!
So i figured, it's necessary for me to
set the President's Day aside for this challenge : 0

(& Goh goh thought i was a lil' nuts... -_-"
can't men be more encouraging sometimes?!)

I've never played with yeast before '_'
& i imagined it to be scary looking...
kinda like some squirmy germs or something?! 0_o

Oh but they turn out to be just some brown powders,
except with a weird smell... -_-

Dunk the yeast into warm water '_' Mix!

Dough in the mixer : 0
It's interesting how French Bread requires salt,
but not sugar '_' hmmm... the dough smells funky.

Kneading with hands!
The sensation reminded me of
playing with play-doh 0_o?!

Kneading some more with the dough hook '_'
Then leave it in the oven with the oven light on...
and wait for it to RISE! : D

3 hours later... the tiny dough -> POOF ->
occupy half a mixing bowl!!

A close-up of how it looks : 0

Take the POOFed dough back out,
and KNEAD! and KNEAD! and...
yeah you guessed it, KNEAD SOME MORE!

Then what?
Put it back and let it RISE... some more : )

Ahhhhh... Another 2 hours later...
such a pretty, creamy-yellow, POOFed ball : D
(It still smelled funky... -_-")

Then... duh!

Cut the dough into small rolls '_'

The recipe called for Canvas Linen...
but i don't have any : /
So i ended up using my Crate & Barrel
lovely Christmas kitchen cloth ; ) hehe...

Guess what the towel's covering?

Taaaa Daaaaa!
The cut-up + kneaded + twisted doughs : )
In my opinion, they almost look just like
Shanghai's Soupy Dumplings / 小籠包 : 0
Except with no fillings...

(BOOOO... i never liked bread all that much,
but those with yummy fillings are worth trying : b
So these bread rolls that i'm making,
is really more for satisfying my curiosity
and desire to conquer a culinary challenge,
than the plain "YUM! I WANNA EAT THAT!" reason.
Well, coz i'm not interested in eating these at all -_-")

Another 2 hours later...

Put flour on the cookie sheet / doughs '_'
The recipe called for cardboard / wooden plank,
but neither i nor goh goh could understand
the instructions : (
hey, i thought my English is bad...
but perhaps there is a foreign baking language
to be learned over time... : /

SLASH! the doughs : 0
I didn't realize that the French slash their bread
so i ended up slicing the doughs as if
they were Pineapple buns / 菠蘿包
from the Chinese bakeries '_'

Sorry, Julia Child!

After baking them... they needed to be cooled down
for 2-3 hours before putting into the fridge.

A close-up shot : )

It was 2am by then, and i just could stay up
any longer -_-
So i left them out overnight...

The following day, goh goh tried to appear
supportive by asking to try one of the rolls...
& i tried to make it a more special treat,
by putting my newly acquired ALMOND BUTTER
as a filling : )

- it was hard as a rock...
- tastes nothing like bread but everything like yeast...
- the inside doesn't have the beautiful bubbles
that other DBs' bread pictures show : (

a major defeat, i suppose!

It doesn't hurt my ego too much though...

haa : b oh well... hopefully next month's
challenge would turn out better than this ; )
Stay tuned!

Useful links:
The Daring Bakers Blogroll
-- A list of all the DBs : )
Go take a look at all these beautiful sites ; D
(oh yeah... & the ones that made the Bread successfully!)
-- The original Julia Child French Bread recipe : )


Anonymous said...

it's still cool.. you tried it at least. Your bread baking challenge reminds me of my biscuit challenge.. i can pretty much bake anything but when it comes to bread and biscuits I still have not perfected it yet. My biscuits are hard as a rock..tho i do want to try it again. Want to try baking together with this area again? Bread and Biscuits hehe tho i am a bigger biscuit fan.. heheh


L Vanel said...

Well there you have it. Sometimes you can heat them up or steam them and they'll get soft again. I am so sorry that you spent all that time and didn't have a chance to enjoy them.

Gretchen Noelle said...

Great job for trying. It is too bad that it was hard before you could really enjoy it! I love the idea of almond butter in it - yum! Congratulations on your first DB challenge & welcome!

Unknown said...

I love the cute crisscrossed buns! I'm sorry you didn't care much for the taste, but they look great.

Allison said...

Well they look awesome even though you say they didn't taste awesome!
And your post made me miss going to Chinese bakeries! I love them! I must go to one soon!

breadchick said...

Sorry it didn't work out for you but what a Daring Baker trooper especially since you don't like bread

Thanks for baking with Sara and I